Phyllanthus mirabilis Y. $

|8-12 cm Ø|Phyllanthus mirabilis is the only caudiciform Phyllanthus and is endemic to Indochina where it is locally distributed in Laos, Burma and Thailand. The foliage is pinnate and glossy green to dark coppery-red. Especially remarkable is that the leaves fold in pairs at dusk like butterfly wings and open again in the morning. It also produces new leaflets throughout the growing season. It does not require very much sun and can be kept in partial shade to shady locations. During the growing season, the plant can be watered thoroughly on a regular basis, allow the substrate to dry well between waterings, and reduce watering to a small sip once a month during the winter. Stop watering at about 10°C (50°F), though during winter dormancy the temperature should not drop below 10°C (50°F). Depending on the substrate in which the plant is kept, you can influence the growth habit. In culture, this beautiful succulent is excellent for growing as a bonsai, and retains its caudex if kept in poor substrate. If kept in a rich substrate, as in some locations in the wild, the caudex gradually disappears over the years and it can grow to a height of 8 meters (26 feet) and 30 cm (12 inch) in diameter. So, in general, it can be said that it forms a caudex under difficult growing conditions. Plants with a large caudex of 10 cm and more are most certainly several decades old.

additional information:
These plants were imported recently from nurserys from the United States, Thailand, or other countries. You will find very pretty plants with typical coloured spines, or ready for flowering. All plants are freshly potted, but may not be rerooted. In some cases there are only very few plants available.

Caudex- or pachyform plants. Forming ball-, disk- or bottle-like body (stem or roots). Very attractive and unique plants.

Phyllanthus mirabilis Y. $
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Delivery time: 2 - 8 Days
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