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Jatropha multifida % Y. >.

|165 cm ↑|branched plant! The plant is called coral tree because of the beautiful red flowers and the filigree fingered foliage. Although all parts of the plant are both irritating and toxic, the roots are cut into pieces, roasted and eaten. The plants are used for the production of fish poison. The ripe, dry seeds contain a rather bitter and dangerous oil, which sometimes finds medical use in rheumatism or to treat parasitic infestations. Our opinion: better dont eat this plant, it is dangerous - and it is too beautiful! No shipping!

hints on cultivation:
from Madagascar and Central to Southern Africa, growing season from middle of march until middle of november in a sunny and warm place, may also grow in a protected place outside during summer. Water regulary when foliage is fully developed, rest season from middle of november to march, keep above 12 - 14 °C

additional information:
Ethnobotanical plants - used in medicine, meditation, religion and nutrition based on their chemical components. Some plants may course hallucination and intoxication.

Caudex- or pachyform plants. Forming ball-, disk- or bottle-like body (stem or roots). Very attractive and unique plants.

These plants were imported recently from nurserys from the United States, Thailand, or other countries. You will find very pretty plants with typical coloured spines, or ready for flowering. All plants are freshly potted, but may not be rerooted. In some cases there are only very few plants available.

Be carefull when handeling this plants! Wear gloves and safety goggles! The milky sap can be highly irritating your skin or eyes. Avoid any skin contact, wash with cold water and clean your tools.

  • Jatropha multifida % Y. >.
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Delivery time: 6 - 10 Days
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