Lithops pseudotruncatella ssp. dendritica pulmonuncula C71 50km wnw. of Rehoboth, Namibia

flat heads with a bright, reddish end surface: fine red channels connecting deep red tiny windows; yellow flowers, type location (TL) of L. pulmonuncula

hints on cultivation:
from southern Africa, growing in sunny gravel-fields. Provide a very sunny place. Watering from april to june every two weeks, the soil needs to dry out. Lithops will rest during the summer in july and august and from october until march. Keep the plants absolutely dry and not below 8 ° Celsius. Soil: we suggest our cacti-soil, just add 10 to 20 % pumice.

suggested soil for these plants:
Kakteen-Haage pure mineral cactus soil
  • Lithops pseudotruncatella ssp. dendritica pulmonuncula C71 50km wnw. of Rehoboth, Namibia
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Delivery time: 2 - 8 Days
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