Notocactus scopa

6,5-7,5 cm Ø

hints on cultivation:
from the veld and mountains, sunny and well ventilated without glass cover, no full sun (especially young plants), sufficient moist especially during warm periods, 8-12 °C during rest season, plants from high mountains also below, light, cool and almost dry

suggested soil for these plants:
Kakteen-Haage cactus soil

additional information:
These plants were imported recently from nurserys from the United States, Thailand, or other countries. You will find very pretty plants with typical coloured spines, or ready for flowering. All plants are freshly potted, but may not be rerooted. In some cases there are only very few plants available.

  • Notocactus scopa
incl. tax, plus shipping
Delivery time: 4 - 10 Days
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