
The 2025 catalog with an extensive range of plants and seeds 
and many practical accessories!

The catalog is available as a printed edition, for browsing on the screen

(or on your tablet) or as a PDF for downloading.  

You can order by post or simply in our online store.

New customers can order the catalog here - by e-mail, letter or using the form below.

The catalog focuses on, among other things

  • Plants: cacti, other succulents, the large assortment of leaf cacti,
  • Tillandsias and other epiphytes
  • Seeds: cacti, other succulents, epiphytes
  • Literature: books on cacti and other succulents
  • Accessories: special soils, fertilizers, pesticides, pots, tools, culinary items.

--> Here you can immediately browse through the current Kakteen-Haage catalog online.

Here you can order your personal printed copy of the latest Kakteen-Haage List. (The List will shipped within EU only)
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